
2020 Haag Meteorite Catalog Page 2

Pg 1 | Pg 2 | Pg 3 | Pg 4 | Pg 5 | Pg 6 | Pg 7 | Pg 8 | Pg 9 | Pg 10 | Pg 11

Allende, Mexico
CV3 Carbonaceous chondrite
11 kg.
 Fall. Feb 8, 1969


Bencubbin, Australia.
CH carbonaceous chondrite.
Find. 306 g.

This slice shows Bencubbin’s
amazing ‘pillows’ of metals and
silicates. With so much nickeliron
mixed in, it’s hard to believe
they are still classified as stone

Karoonda, Australia
CK4 carbonaceous chondrite
Fall, 1930. 83 g

This is another very rare carbonaceous chondrite.


Ningqiang, China.
CK carbonaceous chondrite.
Fall, 1983. 13 g.

Acfer 059, Northwest Africa (NWA).
CR carbonaceous chondrite
Find. 27 g. slice / 11.6 g. complete stone

Notice the size and shapes of the chondrules; wet earthly weather rusts them to brown.

Guizba, Nigeria
CH carbonaceous chondrite
Fall, 40.8 g.

Look at these iron chondrules! This is a fantastic meteorite.

Orgueil, France.
C1 carbonaceous chondrite
Fall, 1864. 8.4 g.