
 The Robert Haag Meteorite Collection

I saw my first meteor come in for what I thought was an earth-landing when I was about 8 years old. Man, I walked for miles along the beach looking for that thing, but never found it. Since that one eluded me (it probably never landed in the first place), I spent my life looking  for others, and that search took me all over the world. And I found meteorites all over the world.

Now, after over 40 years of collecting, preserving, donating, trading and selling meteorites, I have finally decided to retire. This catalogue is intended to showcase and offer the best-of-the-best for sale as a collection.

On these pages you will find some of the rarest and most beautiful meteorite specimens on the planet. We hope to find them a home in one of the world’s best museums or planetariums very soon. 

 97 Kg Gibeon Starship Iron Meteorite